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What's In My Travel Bag : Texas April 2018

I love traveling! Some might think that’s odd because it can be stressful but I call it exciting. It’s an anxious exciting but still exciting nonetheless. Road trips are my absolute favorite because you can stop and see things, get all sorts of different food along the way (that’s the most important part), and you can sing at the top of your lungs in the privacy of your own car without being judged. Unfortunately, those are all things that can’t be done on an airplane.

My parents live in Texas and I haven’t seen them in probably over 6 months. I love my family which is why I’m SUPER EXCITED to go visit them this month! Although I will be enjoying the traveling and family time, this is a one LaVeck adventure, so I won’t be having as much fun as I would if Josh were coming with me. He can bet that I’ll be blowing his phone up the entire time I’m gone! Driving to Texas would take me about 2-3 days and seeing as I’m going alone, that would just be absolutely ridiculous, so I am flying. I won’t be able to sing at the top of my lungs on the plane which is a bummer, but I’ll also have plenty of things in my carry-on bag to keep me entertained.

Speaking of travel bags, they are an ESSENTIAL when your traveling no matter your means of transportation. When I’m flying, I only like to have ONE bag with me on the plane. I can’t stand to have a carry-on, and a purse, and sometimes a cat (not this time though), and maybe a starbucks bag if I’m feeling cheeky before the flight and want a muffin… You know, all of the things one might possibly need on a plane but doesn’t have enough arms to carry it all. I also like to have most of my hands free so I can have my ticket out when I need it instead of fiddling around trying to balance bags and things when I’m trying to board the plane and there’s a million people behind me while the lady (or gentleman) is standing there tapping her foot impatiently while I’m trying to find my ticket. In order to prevent performing a complete circus act in the middle of the airport, I solve this problem by only taking a backpack as my carry-on, and maybe a muffin ..or two.., with everything I need in it so survive the short flight from here to there.

I’m not too fussy of a flyer and I’m definitely not like some people who try to pack their entire first-aid kit, entire snack pantry, and contents of their purse, plus entertainment into one bag. If you are one of those people, props to you for fitting all of that in one bag and still being able to carry it through an airport.

Here is what IS in my travel bag! *Click the links to find most of the products I have in my bag.

My Macbook, Macbook charger, headphones, phone and phone charger : All of these electronics are extremely important for me to have on my person while flying. The idea of my MacBook being broken in my suitcase, or my suitcase being lost in transit, are risks I’m not willing to take. First off, Macbooks are really expensive to replace, and second what would you guys do for entertainment if I wasn’t able to write and post on my blog every Wednesday and Friday? It’s a given that you should probably have your phone with you, especially if your fancy and have your ticket on there so you don’t have some piece of paper to worry about also. With your phone, obviously comes your phone charger, or if you’re extra fancy (even more fancy than the ticket on your phone fancy), you have one of those battery bank thingies so you can charge your phone without having access to an outlet. The headphones are for listening to music, obviously. My camera is way too big to fit in my bag with everything else so that, sadly, has to go in my luggage.

macbook, phone, chargers, headphones

Books and glasses : I love reading and to me, an airplane is one of the best places to knock a book off your reading list. Not only are you expanding your vocabulary and exploring far off lands while on your way to a far off land, it also pasts the time pretty quickly. I’m also a huge animal nerd and love bird watching so if I see a bird during my travels and while I’m in Texas that I’d like to identify, or if I just want to be extra nerdy and read about birds during my flight, I have a bird guide. I CAN read without my glasses but I probably SHOULDN’T (I should also probably be wearing them now while I’m writing this post but...they’re packed..soo…yeah) so those are also a must to have in my bag.

Planner, notebooks, and pens : Don’t expect me to ‘take time off’ of blogging just because I’m away from home! I have all of my blog planning essentials on hand in case I want to work on the plane or inspiration strikes and I need to write an idea down for future reference.

Planner, notebook, pens, glasses, books

Coloring book and pencils : If reading doesn’t cut it at entertaining me for the duration of the flight, I like to color. Flying is exciting to me but it’s more of an anxious excited so coloring also helps calm my nerves.

coloring book, coloring pencils, pencil sharpener

A squishy and fidget cube : Just like coloring, squishies and fidget cubes are a good way to relieve anxiety and nervousness. I love my adorable cat-burger squishy! Apollo thinks it’s a toy though so I can’t really use it as often as I want. It’s very counter-productive to sit on the couch trying to relieve anxieties with your squishy if there’s a 100 lb dog in your face wondering when you’re going to give it to him to play with and destroy.

cat-burger squishy, fidget cube

Meds and Bandaids : I like to have all of my medications on hand for the primary reason of my suitcase possibly getting lost. If my suitcase gets lost, God only knows when I could get it back. Me - Meds = Not a fun time. Just ask Josh. If you’re anything like me, you can get cut on pretty much anything, even a rounded piece of plastic… so bandaids are essential so you’re not bleeding out all over the place if you just so happen to get a cut and they’re also good for blisters. Just think to yourself before you leave the house, “Are these shoes really the most comfortable and practical to wear in an airport or are they just super cute and go with your outfit, but hurt to walk in for prolonged periods of time?” If I end up going with the latter, then it’s a good thing there’s bandaids in my bag!

Sweatshirt : I’m pretty small and I’m ALWAYS freezing, except when I’m not. If I don’t end up wearing a sweatshirt to the airport, I always have one in my bag. I don’t want to end up sitting next to one of those crazy people on the plane who likes it 40°F inside and outside the plane so they have their little air vent on full blast and not have a sweatshirt to keep me warm.

Contents of my purse : I’m not going to be a carrying a purse onto the plane as mentioned earlier so I need most of its contents in my travel bag. This includes things like my wallet, keys, hair ties, sunglasses, lip balm, hand cream, and hand sanitizer. Airports, planes, and places where people touch stuff (everywhere) are super germy so ALWAYS have hand sanitizer in your bag. Hand Cream is nice to have because flying can be drying to your skin. I’m not a fan of hand creams at all because it can be greasy feeling. I’d like to be able to turn a doorknob after applying hand cream, thank you very much, people who make them. The one I have in my bag, on the other hand (pun 50% intended), is one of my favorites because it’s one of a few that doesn’t make my hands feel greasy but it still moisturizes them. It also helps that it smells absolutely delicious (*not for consumption).

sweatshirt, hair ties, hand sanitizer, hand cream, lip balm, wallet, bandaids

Snacks and water bottle : On the off-chance I don’t end up getting a muffin or a snack at the airport, because they’re expensive, I like to also have snacks in my bag. They’re usually something kind of small like granola bars or cookies. I also like having a water bottle on the plane so I don’t have to wait for the attendants to come around if I’m thirsty.


Almost everything back with my bag

I believe that’s everything going into my travel bag for this trip! If I end up changing or adding anything, I will keep you updated in the comments. What’s your #1 travel bag essential and why?

*Plug- Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to see pictures while I’m on my trip!




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