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Life Update

Some of you, including myself, might have been wondering why I haven’t written a blog post in a while. Well, I can’t give you a straight answer because I don’t have an excuse besides the fact that, around the time that I took an unexpected hiatus from writing, I started a new job. I’ve been wanting to get back into writing for a couple months now but I haven’t known what to write about or what would catch a reader’s attention back to my blog after my unforeseen break. I figured that my first blog post after my absence should probably be a life update, so here it goes.

If you’ve read some of my other posts, you would know that Josh and I would eventually like to start a homestead so I thought it would be a great opportunity to work at one of my local farms. I only worked as a cashier at their produce stand but I learned a lot about the business side of a farm. Josh and I won’t necessarily be planning on going that far with our homestead but we are planning on selling plants, seeds, canned goods, and any other small projects I might be interested in like making wool balls or soaps. The hurricane that hit North Carolina in September unfortunately cut the farm’s season short. Luckily, I had already started a new job at an emergency pet hospital when the hurricane hit. I did end up evacuating to my brother’s house in Georgia for a week, and since then, I’ve been working at the pet hospital and absolutely loving my job. Since I’ve been back at doing one thing I love, taking care of animals, I thought that its about time that I get back to doing the second thing I love, writing.

PLOT TWIST! Not only have I been working at my new job, but I have also been working at maintaining a restricted diet. My doctor diagnosed me with IBS mid-summer and I have found out that gluten and lactose and my two biggest triggers. There are a lot of other foods that I should probably eliminate from my diet but its all easier said than done when trying to figure out which exact foods those are since my symptoms can start anywhere between 30 minutes to 3 days of me eating something that I shouldn’t have. I LOVE foods made from wheat so eating 100% gluten free has been a real struggle. This new restricted diet is going to bring some big changes to the recipes that I share with you guys in the future, but don’t you worry your little hearts out because I will be doing my absolute best to post recipes that are not only allergy friendly and tasty but also recipes that can be changed easily to accommodate those who have food allergies or sensitivities. Let me just say that since sharp cheddar (my favorite cheese in the entire universe) is essentially lactose free and doesn’t bother be at all, I’ve pretty much been living off of grilled cheese, gluten-free chocolate chip cookies, and fruit. I’ve been eating other things as well to try and maintain a healthy diet, but grilled cheese is currently a staple in my life.

If you’ve made it this far into the post, props to you. I know this post hasn’t been very excited or entertaining but hopefully it will jump start my re-entrance back into writing and working on posts that I love. Josh has been slowing growing his pepper business by trading seeds with people from all over the world so if you’re interested in more of our garden adventures, keep a look out for when I publish our backyard homesteading website!

If there are any specific posts that you would like me to create, such as recipes, anything makeup or skin care related, and DIYW projects, let me know in the comments below. I will keep working on my how to stay organized series that I completely dropped the ball on, so keep an eye out for the remaining of those posts as well!

Posts that will be writing soon:

-Updated Skin Care Routine

-My Favorite Gluten-free Products

-Gluten and Dairy Free Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

*Keep an eye out for these upcoming posts and more! Be sure to subscribe to my blog site and follow me on Facebook and Instagram so you that you’ll never miss a post!*




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