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Life Update
Some of you, including myself, might have been wondering why I haven’t written a blog post in a while. Well, I can’t give you a straight...

My Anxiety and Depression
I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a long time but I never knew how to start it. I still am not sure how to start but we are...

How I Clean My Makeup Brushes
* This post is dedicated to my lovely mother who made a fatal mistake the other day while cleaning her beauty sponges which ultimately...

DIYW Wool Dryer Balls
Josh and I have been trying to live as eco-friendly and as self-sustainably as we can but sometimes that can be harder than it sounds....

The Start of Something New : Our Garden
Josh and I have many dreams as a couple. Some of you will know that one of those dreams is having our own homestead. If you don't know,...

How I Stay Organized : Bills
Paying bills has got to be the worst thing about being an adult. My parents raised me with the value that if you want something, you have...

Springtime Spaghetti (with chicken, spinach, and tomatoes)
Spring is kind of here and with the weather getting slightly more spring-like where we live, Josh and I wanted to create something fresh...

What's In My Travel Bag : Texas April 2018
I love traveling! Some might think that’s odd because it can be stressful but I call it exciting. It’s an anxious exciting but still...

My Mother-in-Love
Tomorrow (April 5th) is my mother-in-law’s birthday and as a small gesture of my appreciation of everything that she does for Josh and I,...

Our Fur Babies
My husband, Josh, and I have had pets for as long as we can remember and they mean EVERYTHING to us. Our pets are our kids since we don’t...
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