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10 Things You Didn't Know About Me (or maybe you did)

1. I’m slightly obsessed with cats.

Ok.. maybe I’m really obsessed with cats, but who isn’t? If you’re someone who doesn’t like cats, well then I’m really sorry because you’ve probably never had a proper interaction with a cat. I got my first cat when I was a sophomore (about 7 years ago) in high school and I’ve had cats ever since. I currently have 2 cats, Gus Gus and Allegra (and no...she’s not for allergies and I’m not getting another cat just to name it Claritin…).The reason I love cats soooo much is because they are freaking adorable! Have you ever look looked at a sleeping cat and felt like crying because they’re so cute?! If not, that’s fine… Every time I ask my husband that question, he looks at me like I’m crazy (but who’s to say I’m not?). I feel that way about cats though and they are HILARIOUS to watch. If you don’t believe, there are tons of videos on facebook and youtube about cats being weird and funny so go watch some and come back and comment if you’ve changed your mind!

2. I love makeup.

Yes, I know that most girls love makeup but I wouldn’t consider myself a “girly girl.” I love to play in the dirt, explore the woods, build things, and make messes, BUT I like looking cute while doing all of those things. I never really started wearing a full face of makeup until around college. In middle school, I wore eyeliner and mascara, and I may have worn concealer too but I don’t really remember. In high school, I wore concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and maybe a little bit of eye shadow. I believe that I had everyone’s middle and high school favorite Covergirl’s Clean Foundation, in the glass bottle with the blue top, in my collection but I don’t remember using it all that often. I got more into wearing makeup during my senior year of high school and it’s just progressed since then. I use all drugstore products because ya girl is too broke for that high end stuff so look forward to seeing my collection and some makeup looks from your’s truly in future posts. * Click the image to find products shown

Link to all products shown : Click Here

3. I have a sock problem (I don’t think it’s a problem but everyone else does).

This is a very controversial subject in family. I honestly don’t know why everyone says that I have a sock issue because I really don’t see it. Everyone has to wear socks. Just because I have more than the average bear, does not mean that I have a problem. Look at this picture and judge for yourself!

4. I’ve always wanted to write.

I’ve had an interest in writing since high school but I never thought that I was any good at it. I still may not be good at it but I have finally built up the courage to put myself out there with this blog. Like most bloggers, I’m going to be using it as a creative outlet so don’t judge my writing skills too closely but be forewarned, I have little to no control over what my brain wants to let out. My husband understands this concept far too well.

5. I love aerial arts.

I LOVE doing aerial arts!!! If you don’t know what aerial arts consists of, it’s the use of trapeze, silks, the spanish web, and the lyra (not an official definition). To be even more simplified, it’s the pretty tricks that all of the pretty ladies in a circus do in the air on all of the circus-y equipment. Now that I’ve explained to those that might not know what this it, I LOVE aerial arts!!! I do have a little experience working on all 4 of the apparatuses listed above. I got into aerial arts when I was in middle school and I practiced it as a way to focus all of my energy on something fun rather than worrying about the world around me. Sophomore year of high school, I got into aerial silks and while I still used this practice as a form of therapy, my instructor was teaching me as a form of fitness. Let me just say, if you want to build strength and muscle in a decent amount of time, gurrrl (or guy) this is the way to do it! While I’ve barely done any silk training since sophomore year, I’m always dreaming of the day when I can buy my own equipment and continue to teach myself.

6. I love to paint/ make art.

I’ve always loved the arts, everything from music to theater to visual art, but paint has got to be my favorite medium to use. I don’t see myself as a great artist but I believe that I am pretty decent at drawing and painting. The thing that I lack though is inspiration. Probably because I overthink everything so I can never settle on 1 image to create. I truly just enjoy using my hands to create stuff that people will enjoy.

7. I’m obsessed with Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

I mean, if you haven’t already sort of noticed by now, then go take a look at all of my category pages. Alice in Wonderland is the epitome of whimsy and nonsense, 2 of my favorite things! I just love all of the characters and the storyline of adventure and finding new and unusual things around every turn. I also LOVE puns (bonus fact) so the fact that Lewis Carroll added creatures like a buttered-toast fly and a rocking horsefly makes me love the concept of the entire story even more.

8. I have anxiety and depression.

This is something that I know a lot of people don’t know about me and while I’ve always been wary about talking about it with other people who aren’t related to me, I believe that it is something that NEEDS to be talked about. It’s very true that people in this world need to become not only understanding of what anxiety and depression are like, but they also need to become desensitized to hearing about them. Just because someone has anxiety or depression does not make them a liability to have in your life (this is definitely something that employers need to understand). I’m stating this fact because I want others with anxiety and depression to know that they are not alone and I am just one other person who would love to encourage them on their journey while I’m on mine.

9. Josh and I want to homestead.

Homesteading has been the #1 dream for Josh and I over the past several month months. Both of us have always loved animals and enjoyed the idea of having our farm. The idea of being self-sustainable by raising animals for eggs, meat, and dairy, as well as growing our own fruits and vegetables is very appealing to us. We want to know exactly where I food comes from and we are not strangers to hard work which is a concept we would like to instill into our kids (when we have them). Stick around to follow us as we fulfill this dream one step at a time!

10. I have the best family in the entire world!

I know that most everyone says that they have the best family in the world and I am definitely one of those people. They may all be crazy but they made me who I am and I would not trade them for anything. They are supportive, encouraging, loving, and extremely entertaining. There is no shortage of crazy here!

These are just a few of the things that make me who I am. What is something unique about you?




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