How I Stay Organized : Family Documents

The day has finally come for my 2nd post in the "How I Stay Organized" series. Finally! I'm sorry to keep those of you who were interested in this series waiting. The entire point of being organized is to have a place for everything so that you don't lose it. This only works if you're not anything like me: lazy. But hey, I have my days (once in a blue moon) where EVERYTHING has to be where it belongs or I can't function enough to complete other tasks that I need to get done. The day that I created my Family Document box was one of those days. I remember that my mom has always kept a small file box with all of our documents so that she could access them easily and not lose them. She probably still has things in there for me and my brother from when we were in elementary school. When I got married and most in with Josh, I was worried about losing all of our documents and information. It took me forever just to find one document, so I decided to put together a file box of my own so that I had everything I needed for adulting in one location and mostly protected from being lost, getting wet, etc. It was really inexpensive, easy, and kind of fun because you can add your personal touch by using pretty patterned folders.
Here's how I put together my Family Document box:

I went out to Walmart and picked up one of their inexpensive plastic filing boxes in a big enough size that I thought would fit everything that I currently had plus whatever important items I might obtain in the future that need to be filed away for safe keeping. All I did was put some masking tape on the front and labeled it but if you're Pinterest-y, you could definitely find a way to spruce up your box and make it pretty to look at. If I was putting together this box now, I probably would have done that as the idea of doing so just hit me while I'm writing this post. Why didn't I think of decorating my box 3 years ago?! I'm going to have to get on that..

Moving along! I then picked up some hanging file folders and a color that I didn't mind as well as some pretty tabbed folders for storing all of my documents. The hanging folders are labeled with a category such as "Pets, Bills, or Taxes." You know...all of the adulting categories that apply to your life no matter how much of a little kid you still are deep inside. The tabbed folders are labeled with things like names of pets, which bills you are filing, and tax years.

After all of your tabbed folders are inside of your hanging folders, its time to file away all of your documents into their rightful place. Easy peasy! I hope you've found this post helpful if you haven't yet built up the motivation to organize all of your important family documents.
If any of you have any unique ways that you stay organized, tell me in the comments below!