2019 Virtual Vision Board

Vision boards are "all the rage" at this time of year. People are reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the year ahead. I decided to join the party and make one for myself. I've never made a vision board before but it looked like a lot of fun and I felt as though I need all of the encouragement for the upcoming year as I can get considering that last year was difficult.
I didn't have the supplies that I needed to make a physical board and I also don't have a place to put it, so I decided to create one on my computer. It was a lot of fun and a nice way to reflect on my past and figure out what changes I wanted to make and what goals I wanted to achieve this year.
Here is the vision board I created:

What I want out of this year was probably one of the easiest categories. We all know what we want. We might not always know what we need but what I want out of this year is what most people probably want: success, to be good at something such as photography, have more time to spend with the people you love. I want adventure and excitement, to move into a house that I love, and to also work further towards my goal to have a homestead with my hubby.

I don't want to become a completely different person, but I do want to improve on some of the qualities that I already have a little bit of. I greatly enjoy being adventurous and spontaneous but sometimes I have a hard time of letting go of my need to have everything planned out to the T. Letting go of everything being planned will also lend a hand in me having more fun and being more fun, which is something my hubby would enjoy because I can be pretty boring sometimes. I'm going to make "Spontaneous" my middle name this year. Let's see where that takes us!

There are so many things I'd like to change and improve upon this year, and a lot of them are personal but I need to stop being so afraid of being sponateous and not having things planned out. I need to stop focusing so much on the past and the future oso that I don't forget to live right where I am. I'm also pretty lazy so that also something that I'd like to change. If I wasn't as lazy, I'd probably be able to get more of the things that I want this year, so that's definitely a big thing I need to work on.

There are so many things I'd like to do this year. A lot of these are things that I probably say every year a long with everyone else on the planet, such as drink more water, eat healthier, and workout. You know, the generic things everyone does for the first few weeks of the new year and then quit. Well, I haven't started yet so my few weeks of being healthy will be coming at some point in within the year. I truly want to accomplish ALL of my goals this year. One of those goals is to have a massive herb garden and being able to not only cook with a lot of them, but using more of the medicinal ones to make tea. I'm so excited to figure out how to make tea, its not even funny. You can probably bet that sometime this year, you'll see a post about herbs and teas. My biggest goal for this year is to live in the moment. I want to actually enjoy every single moment that I have with the people that I love instead of mentally living in the future and the past.

One of the most important things that I wanted to have on my vision board is a picture of me happy. That's something odd to focus on but looking at it every day will remind you of the time that picture was taken and how happy you were in that moment. Not only is it encouraging you to accomplish the rest of your goals on your vision board, but it also sets the tone for the rest of your day. On this particular day, Josh and I went on a nature trail, which is one of our favorite things to do. We had an absolute blast that day and I want to live my life as if I were reliving that day over and over again. I had fun, I was adventurous, and we were spontaneous, and we simply enjoyed living in that moment together.

I had so much fun creating my vision board for this year. Of course, adding all of the stickers was my favorite part, but I loved creating the entire thing. It helped me think deeply about each of the categories I added to my board and realize what things I really needed to work on and what I needed to do to accomplish my goals this year. My favorite part about creating a vision board is the fact that you can do ANYTHING you want with it. You can decorate it however you want and you can choose what categories you want to reflect on and work towards this year. I'd encourage everyone to make a vision board for themselves this year. It gives you something to work towards and work with as it encourages you every day to accomplish your goals, and it keeps you accountable.
I hope you've enjoyed checking out my vision board for this year and that it gives you some ideas if you've been planning on making one yourself. If you do end up creating your own vision board, leave a comment below stating one of your biggest goals for this year.