Netflix & Chill-ed

Allergy season is upon us and it hits some of us harder than others. This year, my spring allergies have grabbed me by the shoulders, slapped me across the face, and screamed “I’M HERE!!” For the past few days, I have been feeling like junk with the allergy fatigue, itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, stuffy nose, and migraines. There’s only so much one wants to do when they don’t feel good, and by ‘so much’ I mean ‘pretty much nothing’. One of the only things I can muster up energy for when I’m ill is a Netflix binge! The best way to start a Netflix binge while you’re sick is with a cup of tea (my fave is chamomile), a pile of various snacks surrounding you so you don’t have to get up anytime soon, and the fluffiest blanket you can find. My husband is a human furnace and insists the house maintain a temperature of 68°F but I am small and always cold so a fluffy blanket is essential year round (hence the “chilled” part of the title). If these spring allergies are affecting you the way they are affecting me, here is a short list of my current favorite Netflix shows to binge watch in case you need some suggestions so you can also feel at least somewhat productive/not productive at all while you’re in misery snuggling a box of tissues on the couch. All of these shows are completely different from one another so there should be something for everyone. Enjoy!

1. The Frankenstein Chronicles :
Yes, please!! I fell in love with this show within the first 30 minutes of watching it. I enjoy British literature and I even took a British lit class focused on horror novels in college so the second I saw this show pop up on Netflix, I hit the play button. This is one of those mystery crime solving shows that will keep you guessing and changing your mind on who the culprit is until the very end. So if you enjoy shows like that and like Frankenstein, you will love this show. This is not a super binge show seeing as it is only 2 seasons but it will keep you entertained for most of a day.

2. Father Brown :
This is a show for those who are a little more religious, love comedy, and love crime solving shows. Father Brown is a BBC show where the priest of a small town in the english countryside assists the police (to their dismay) in solving local murders. The characters in this show are so dynamic and they each have their own storyline but of course Father Brown and a local woman who helps him solve the murders, Lady Felicia, are my favorite characters. Father Brown has a very conservative sense of humor that cracks me up and reminds me of my dad, who is also a pastor. There are currently 5 seasons on Netflix so definitely stock up on the snacks while watching because you will not want to miss a second of this show.

3. Call the Midwife :
This is another BBC show that definitely has a very specific type of viewer and will not be for everyone. The premise of Call the Midwife is about a group of women in period England who live in a convent with a group of nuns as they put their midwifery skills to use in a poverty stricken town called Poplar. This show is very historical and all about babies, lots and lots of screaming babies… BUT each midwife is so unique and deals with their own struggles of life, finding out who they are, and finding love in such a tough time and place. I find it particularly interesting how different the medical practices were back then and the tools and medications they used. This show is fairly graphic so if you don’t mind watching babies be born every 10 minutes (it’s not super explicit just lots of bodily fluids) then go for it! Like I mentioned, this is NOT for everyone but if this sounds like it’s your cup of tea, then you will thoroughly enjoy it. There are currently 6 seasons on Netflix so you should be set for a few days of being under the weather!

4. Broadchurch :
BBC shows are kind of my jam, so here’s another one! This show is sort of like a modern day version of the Frankenstein Chronicles but without the Frankenstein component. It’s another one of those crime solving shows that will keep you very frustrated and guessing who the culprit is until the very last episode. My husband can vouch for how frustrating this show is to watch when he had to listen to me gripe at my computer for an entire season because I couldn’t figure out who did it. Broadchurch is very intense and is drama all the way. It’s definitely one of those shows that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Each season also deals with one specific crime allowing you more time to become sucked into the victim’s storyline, which I enjoy. There are currently 3 seasons on Netflix which will keep you busy for about half a day.

5. Anne with an E :
This is another show that isn’t really a binge because there is currently only 1 season on Netflix but that does not mean that it’s not worth watching. If you’re going to give this one a watch while you’re ill, well then it’s a good thing you already have those tissues on hand because you’re going to need them! This show is about Anne of Green Gables and it definitely pulls at your heartstrings. I cried through the entire season but there are funny moments too and Anne’s character stole my heart! Anne is an extremely intelligent orphaned girl who gets sent to the brother and sister pair that own Green Gables farm in order to help them on the farm as they are growing older. She has a temper, uses big words, and she only wants to belong. I cannot wait for the second season to come out!!

These are just a few of my favorites on Netflix and if you need any more suggestions, let me know! If you decide to give any of these shows a try, send me your thoughts and if you have any Netflix recommendations, leave them below!