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2019 Virtual Vision Board
Vision boards are "all the rage" at this time of year. People are reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the year ahead. I...

DIYW Makeup Brush Holders
*DISCLAIMER: Ignore my dirty makeup brushes. Thanks! I started collecting makeup brushes shortly after Josh and I got married. I had a...

Life Update
Some of you, including myself, might have been wondering why I haven’t written a blog post in a while. Well, I can’t give you a straight...

My Anxiety and Depression
I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a long time but I never knew how to start it. I still am not sure how to start but we are...

The Start of Something New : Our Garden
Josh and I have many dreams as a couple. Some of you will know that one of those dreams is having our own homestead. If you don't know,...

What's In My Travel Bag : Texas April 2018
I love traveling! Some might think that’s odd because it can be stressful but I call it exciting. It’s an anxious exciting but still...

Netflix & Chill-ed
Allergy season is upon us and it hits some of us harder than others. This year, my spring allergies have grabbed me by the shoulders,...

10 Things You Didn't Know About Me (or maybe you did)
1. I’m slightly obsessed with cats. Ok.. maybe I’m really obsessed with cats, but who isn’t? If you’re someone who doesn’t like cats,...
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